We always love to hear from people directly but to save you time here are some answers to questions our customers regularly ask. If your question is not here please call us on 01883 740435 or email us on info@damp-system.com and we will be happy to answer you directly.

How quickly can you come to assess my property for damp?
It depends on where it is located, but usually within between two and ten days.
How much is the initial inspection of my property?
If you are the property owner it is free of charge. If not, the survey costs £56+VAT.
How much will it cost me to solve my damp problem?
In order to give you an accurate price we will need to carry out a full inspection of your property. Once we provide a written quote we guarantee to stick to it, so there are no nasty surprises. Taking into account the associated costs of alternative approaches, the cost compares very favourably to other less reliable solutions.
Will I be subjected to aggressive sales techniques?
Absolutely not. We are horrified by the methods some disreputable companies in our industry resort to. We pride ourselves on our professionalism and besides, our product speaks for itself and our surveyors are visiting you to perform a service.
Can I contact your previous customers?
Yes. We have many customers who will be happy to show you their property. Please get in touch with us and we will put you in contact. In the meantime you may like to read some of our customer feedback.
Do you use outside contractors for the installation?
No. The system is only fitted by well-trained, highly skilled staff that we employ directly. This ensures we can control and maintain the quality of the work and service you receive – and that they will turn up when they say they will.
Why does the Damp System have to be installed into all of the external walls of the property?
Our Damp System is designed to be installed in all external walls. This way we can ensure there are sufficient elements to deal with the amount of damp within the property. This gives your property maximum benefit for our Damp System.
Is there any building you cannot install into?
The Damp System can be installed into most types of properties built from brick or stone with solid or cavity walls. The system has been installed into lighthouses, churches and castles, barn conversions and windmills. If you are unsure, please give us a call on 01883 740435 to discuss your individual needs.
Do you only install into private properties?
No. Whilst most of our work involves private properties, we have also installed the Damp System for private landlords, housing associations, businesses and charity organisations.
How long will the installation take?
It depends on the size and construction of the property but we usually complete the work within 1-2 days.
How many elements will you insert in my walls?
We always install approximately 2.3 elements per meter of wall so the number depends on the size of the property.
How quickly after the installation of your system can I redecorate my property?
We always advise all our clients to wait with any re-plastering and redecoration works at least 12 months as this is the time our Damp System needs to operate at its maximum potential. If any of such works are carried out too early, before the walls are dry, the new decoration might be affected by damp.
Do I still need to repair my leaking roof or any other maintenance problems?
Yes, in order to not hinder the efficacy our Damp System, the property has to be kept in a dry and waterproof condition and adequately maintained. Our Damp System is not designed to rectify a building’s existing, outstanding maintenance issues that could cause ingress of water. If in any doubt, please consult an independent Chartered Surveyor on how to rectify and repair such issues. Our Damp System is designed to remove excess moisture directly from external walls.