Damp Proofing for Businesses

Damp System Benefits for Businesses

The Damp System offers a whole host of benefits – from saving money through to protecting the health of your staff and business.


Studies have shown that in the UK, more than 3 million people suffer illnesses due to damp in the building they are in. Damp can be very tough on the respiratory system, and illnesses such as asthma and rheumatism can be made worst by high humidity. Also, mould spores can aggravate or cause allergies.

In fact, damp can be so potentially harmful to our health that the World Health Organisation have identified it as a serious cause for concern.

The Damp System can help to protect you, your staff and your business’s health by providing a safe and natural way to remove the damp from your business property. Natural airflow is used in the place of any chemicals or potentially harmful substances for your peace of mind.


The Damp System – the eco-friendly choice for ridding your business property of damp.

By using the natural airflow and the outside environment to dry out your walls, no unnatural chemicals are needed. As it takes more energy to heat a damp property, the Damp System can also mean that you use less energy, with a positive effect on the your environment.

How the Damp System works for Businesses

Our Damp System uses natural ventilation to prevent the damp in your business property.

This is achieved through a series of small, handmade elements fixed into the outside wall of your business property by our expert team.

There will be approximately 2.3 elements installed per linear metre, approximately just above the internal skirting board level. However, the exact spacing between the elements and the optimum height are always determined by the Installation Engineers as this can vary depending on the construction of the business property and the level of the floors.

The essential principle: dry air constantly flowing from the outside into the elements, through an opening. This causes a drop in temperature and a “cold bridge”, which causes moisture from the interior of the wall to be deposited within the element. The natural airflow transports this moisture outside.

The result? A lower humidity level inside your business property, dry walls – and continuous protection against damp.