Damp FAQs

Have you got questions about damp, or about how the Damp System can help? Check out some of our most frequently asked questions below. If you don’t find the information you need, just give us a call on 01883 740435 or send an email to info@damp-system.com.

What causes condensation?
Condensation builds up over time and can be contributed to by day to day activities such as: Drying clothes in the house Showering Washing up Cooking Ironing …and much more When warm, moist air comes into contact with a colder surface, it deposits water within it. Problems start to occur when there is insufficient ventilation to remove this water – this is what causes those wet walls and windowpanes.
How can the Damp System help my condensation problem?
The Damp System will lower the humidity level in your room, helping to minimise condensation. The system uses the natural process of condensation to rid your house of excess moisture – cold spots within the elements ensure the water removed is from the air and then channelled out of the walls. However, condensation is also caused by a range of everyday activities, so it’s also worth making some minor lifestyle changes in order to see the best results. Simple changes include drying clothes outdoors or opening windows when washing up.
What causes rising damp?
Bricks and mortar are both highly porous, so take in water in a capillary action, like a sponge sucking up water from a wet surface – causing rising damp. How can you tell if your property has rising damp? Tell-tale signs include a tidemark on the wall or wet and mouldy patches at the base of the wall.
How can the Damp System help my rising damp problem?
Our system ventilates the brickwork, ensuring the natural evaporation of moisture.
Does double-glazing help to prevent damp?
Although condensation may disappear when you install double-glazing, the problem has not entirely disappeared. The inner pane of the glazing is now likely to be warmer, so you may find the water deposits on nearby walls instead. In fact, double glazing reduces the natural ventilation of the house – so may even make the problem worse. What makes the Damp System so effective is that it naturally ventilates the home.
Can dehumidifiers help to prevent damp?
Yes – dehumidifiers can help to prevent damp. However, the cost of running them, their size and the loud noise they make mean they are most suited to being a temporary solution. They also need emptying and maintaining regularly. It is far better to choose a permanent solution which requires no attention or servicing – such as the Damp System.
Do anti-mould paints help to prevent damp?
Anti-mould paints inhibit the formation of mould. However, they do not combat the cause of the problem – excess moisture in the air. Therefore, the problem will eventually recur or surface somewhere you haven’t painted.
Is damp proofing a good option?
Traditional damp proofing involves creating a physical or chemical barrier between the ground and the brickwork of your house, to prevent water from rising up. However, this process will need to be maintained and it is also not an eco-friendly solution. The Damp System is both green and permanent. It removes rising damp and condensation naturally, uses no harmful chemicals and is guaranteed for life. What’s more, installation does not affect the interior of your property at all.