Damp specialist

The Damp System: The damp proofing solution from professional and accredited damp specialists

We know all there is to know about damp. Having been experts in this industry since 1988, we’ve seen all causes, types and variations of damp. This has led to our damp specialists creating an innovative new product to target damp problems in your home for good: the Damp System.

Have a question? Call 01883 740435 or email info@damp-system.com

Looking for damp specialists? Find out how the Damp System works…

Our permanent, eco-friendly solution to damp works alongside the natural ventilation processes in your home to remove damp. Here’s how it works:

  • Small, handmade elements fixed into the outer wall of your property – approximately 2.3 elements installed per each linear metre
  • Dry air flows from the outside into the elements, causing a drop in temperature and a “cold bridge”
  • This causes moisture from the wall’s interior to be deposited inside the element – the natural airflow then transports this moisture outside by way of evaporation
  • This results in a lower level of humidity inside your home, dry walls – and no damp!

If you have any more questions about our damp proofing system, talk to our damp specialists on 01883 740435 or by sending an email to info@damp-system.com